Another disturbing ad from the Craigslist archives:
Looking for 1-2 Armed cleet cert. for 11-2 thursday-saturday nights may varie, great pay, hours are really easy, very experinced crew to work with You will need to understand how to handle drunk people and getting them to there cars, helping make sure the parking lot doesnt get double parked or have to much loitering, keep in mind it almost like ababy sitting job 99% of the time but there is always a reason to make great pay for little work not for the weak...... if you are interested please contact me and we will talk more via the phone after contact
Because drunk people need help getting to their cars!
(don't even get me started on the grammar)
wow. ..and it's a job to help them to their car, I always thought it was a favor..guess I should have tipped them ;)