Thursday, March 5, 2009

...because that's how I roll

you were sewn together with a tapestry of molecules
a billion baby galaxies and wide open spaces
everything you need is here
everything you fear is here
and it's holding you up
it just keeps holding you up

Getting ready for my job interview this morning was far less gut-wrenching than yesterday's push to get out of the house. I woke to my alarm, which I haven't done in months.

Actually, that's not quite correct. I didn't really sleep last night, so I was mostly awake when the alarm went off.

Anyway, having an appointment time helped kick me into gear, and I confidently dressed and slapped on some makeup. Never mind that the makeup looked terrible again; I've realized it's not actually the makeup, but my complexion, which has gone haywire. And, please, never mind that I later found a hole in my (very pretty) thrift store blouse and learned there was still a spare button in a plastic bag attached to the inside of my brand new slacks. At least no one else knew.

I allowed time to stop for coffee, and I even arrived early (que te calles, Eric).

I had to drive past TV Guide on my way there, and that was a little weird/sad. But somehow it also gave me a boost in confidence, seeing that building where I spent so many years of my life.

As for the interview, the tests were excruciating at first--I didn't expect so much math, with decimals and fractions to boot! I didn't use the calculator they provided, partly because I wasn't sure I was supposed to (then, dummy, why was it there?) and partly to satisfy my ego.

Eventually it moved on to spelling and grammar, and that was a breeze. Most of the tests were a breeze, in fact, and I was told my scores were exceptional.

So now I'm officially available for temp work.

Also, tomorrow I have an interview at a doggie daycare. The pay is shit, but it could be fun!

I'm feeling much more Zen today, and I'm going to slow up on the frantic resume-sending. I might even watch a few more episodes of The Sopranos; I just borrowed the first season from Ryan, and I intend to watch the whole series. I think I deserve a reward today.

Hmm...Zen...Sopranos? I don't know.

Anyway, I've also decided to listen to the brilliant words of wisdom I gave Eric last night:

"They'll be glad they hired you, whenever they do...whoever they are."

No One Said It Would Be Easy - Cloud Cult

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