Monday, June 22, 2009

Deadbeats have Mondays, too.

I'm trying, but lately I've had a hard time fighting off the urge to sleep the day away. Things were so much better this weekend. With Ryan here, I had places to go, people to see and things to do. Now I'm back to figuring out what the hell's next.

I have some ideas in the works, in addition to searching for a traditional job. I could probably get some pet-sitting gigs if I worked at it, and I'm looking for a cheap wholesale provider for eBay sales--maybe focusing on pet products. I'm even considering talking to someone about selling Pampered Chef stuff, if they'd let me sell on eBay. And I'm looking into taking some classes, maybe communications and PR stuff, or web design and layout, or...I don't know.

Too many ideas, not enough plans.

But on deck first is eBay...I have several things that should sell, and I'm going to get them listed today.

(Speaking of eBay, at the bottom of this blog page I have a scrolling gallery that shows everything I have available. It doesn't link up to the listings like it's supposed to, but you can access my Auctiva page where it says "Click here to browse all my EBay items, " and from there you can get to the individual listings. I'm just sayin'.)

I haven't been returning phone calls or emails as a general rule lately, just because I'm still in a funk. I'll get out of it eventually, though. One step at a time...

A paycheck would certainly help!

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