Monday, January 19, 2009

you say you don't think I'm doing the right thing...

Wedding planning is exhausting...especially when it's my sister's wedding that's being planned. Today she and Mom and I visited the bakery, the florist and the party rental place, and at the end of the day I didn't have any more of an idea what she has in mind than I did when we started out. I think she has a lot of it worked out in her head, and my mom has a bunch of lists going. As for me, though, I couldn't feel more disconnected.

It's not only that my sister and I have completely different taste, or that trying to communicate with her is as exhausting and futile as watching a NASCAR race on TV. This wedding stuff is just completely foreign to me, and I don't feel like I'm helping at all.

This evening as my mom and I discussed plans for the reception (which will be at my parents' church), I said I couldn't picture the room or get a feel for the layout of the tables. This was a perfect opening for one of my dad's snide comments:

"Well, there are a lot of people in that church who probably don't remember what you look like, either!"

I try to let things like this slide off my back, but they've been wearing me down lately and this time I took the bait. I declared that I don't want to attend their church, and this immediately led to a debate.

"Just because the pastor made one comment..." Mom began, referring to some unsolicited advice to get rid of my cats, find a husband and start having "real" babies. There's more to it than that, and I began to explain some of my other reasons.

"That's not the point," Mom persisted. "If you really wanted to go to church, you'd go somewhere." I eventually realized what was happening and wondered how the conversation had taken this turn. Weren't we supposed to be talking about my sister?

Ugh. Like I said, they've been wearing me down. Yesterday it was my dad saying "Well, if you were ever here..."

And last week while I was talking to my sister, he piped in with "Well get a job, then." I told him I plan to, and he asked when.

"When I do," I replied. He left it at that, but by then the conversation with my sister had been derailed, as her attention span is too short to withstand such interruptions.

It's like when I decided to move in with my parents, I willingly stepped into a pit of quicksand. And the longer I stay, the harder it is to get out. I know I'm not really stuck--I can leave whenever I want. But my parents have a special way of leaving me feeling paralyzed and hopeless.

Lately it's gotten harder to fight off that feeling, and I find myself getting so neurotic and insecure that I'd rather find some sort of escape than work on looking for a job. Thus I can often be found napping or shopping when I should be writing cover letters and mailing resumes.

Then I start getting frustrated with myself, and the cycle perpetuates itself. I know it's not my parents' fault, and I also need to stop being so hard on myself. I just feel so stunted and overwhelmed lately that I don't know what to do next.

I have made some progress. My resume is done, and I bought a suit to wear to interviews. I have a running list of all the shelters, rescue groups and pet boarding facilities I can find in Oklahoma. Now I just need to start knocking on doors, proverbially speaking.

Who cares if some people see me as a Deadbeat Heathen Spinster Cat Lady? Somewhere, someone could be looking for a person just like me to wrangle their cats...or their people...or their piles of paperwork...

Anyway, this song says it all better than I can:


  1. My eyes got all big for half a second until you said it was your sisters wedding.
    I don't know what your financial situation is but can you get your own apartment? Your parents sound toxic. Maybe if you had your very own space you would be in the right frame of mind to look for work.
    Hugs Kate. Sounds like you really need them!

  2. you know I can relate more than I'd like to admit. 7 months, I lived at my moms. omg.

    ILY! ::hug hug hug::

  3. I feel your pain. I should have started job hunting weeks ago but chose to procrastinate and watch television instead. I have 5 weeks until I graduate, no prospects, and 3/4 of a cover letter. I'm a little paralyzed by fear at this point. Good luck in your hunt. I know you'll find something.
