Sunday, August 16, 2009

"I've got enough f-bombs for all y'all."

That's what I declared in the car today when my acute minor road rage started to flare up, and then I laughed.

But in all seriousness, I may need to take that mentality to work with me tomorrow.

One more week left on the temp job. The girl I'm filling in for comes back tomorrow, so I'll be doing different work. I don't know what it'll be, and in fact when I get in tomorrow I won't even have a desk or a computer. It should be a fun time.

I was settling in for a lazy nap this afternoon, thinking about how nice it feels to be at home and not busy--and wondering if I'll get to do more napping after this temp job ends--when my phone rang. It was the girl from work that I've been filling in for. Apparently my worst enemy the Crazy Bitch had called to give her a heads up about something I mentioned (completely innocently) to the boss last week. I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble, just explaining why I did something the way I did.

My boss's ears perked up over something I said, and apparently she thought she smelled a conspiracy. So I went to her office with the piece of paper I'd mentioned and explained it was just a note this girl had made for herself and I was using it at my own discretion. Well, the Crazy Bitch I work with (who only heard a small portion of that discussion) called this other girl to warn her about it, and this girl in turn called me to ask for an explanation. On a fucking Sunday afternoon.

So I explained I'd referenced the note but never claimed she'd told me to use it or tried to blame her for my mistake. She seemed satisfied with my explanation and was very reasonable, but that put a big dent in my relaxing evening. I was not expecting the work bullshit to creep up on me on a Sunday afternoon, and my guard was down.

So I wasn't ready when this girl said "So I hear things haven't been going too well with you and [Crazy Bitch]." I was so caught off guard that I didn't even realize at first who'd most likely told her that (Crazy Bitch herself, obviously), and I said a few candid things that'll probably now be repeated to the Crazy Bitch.

Great. That's just great. I thought I was re-entering the work force, and somehow I ended up in a nightmarish version of high school instead.

It's only one more week, and I know I should detach myself from the whole situation. But even at my wise old age, I'm still surprised and hurt when people talk about me behind my back--especially if they're demonizing me unfairly. If I'm being a demon, fine...I'll be a demon and then I'll apologize for it. But if I'm putting in a genuine effort to do excellent work and I'm treating people with basic respect, I can't stand having evil motives attributed to me.

So this is basically what I've been up to lately: having constant inner dialogues that go in spiraling circles, and trying not to become that which surrounds me. And taking lots of Advil.

I don't know what else to say about this; I'm still in the stage of being pissed off and sickened by how ridiculous these people are! I guess I should let it all settle and then maybe try to write something rational later about how I don't answer to these people and they don't sign my paycheck and it doesn't matter what they think of me because I'll be out of there in a week anyway.

But it does matter, whether I like it or not. It hurts my feelings.


  1. poor honey.
    Those women just need to crap. Constipation makes one crabby, you know...


  2. The very reason I hated every minute of working in a large firm atmosphere with a bunch of woman. Seriously. I have always worked better with primarily men or in a smaller office atmosphere. Woman are catty. I should know... I am one of them :)
